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Fraud Detection with NebulaGraph GraphDatabase in action

This is a review of Fraud Detection methods based on graph algorithms, graph databases, machine learning, and graph neural networks on NebulaGraph, and in addition to an introduction to the basic methodological ideas, I’ve also got a Playground you can run. it’s worth mentioning that this is the first time I’ve introduced you to the Nebula-DGL project 😁.

A Data Lineage OSS Reference Solution

Do I have to create my own graph model and everything to set up a Data Lineage system? Thanks to many great open-source projects, the answer is: No!

Today, I would like to share my opinionated reference data infra stack with some of those best open-source projects with modern ETL, Dashboard, Metadata Governance, and Data Lineage Management.

Nebula Index Explained

Nebula Graph Native Index explained, why index not found? When should I use Nebula Index and full-text index? The term of Nebula Graph Index is quite similar to the index in RDBMS, while, they are not the same. It’s noticed that when getting started with Nebula Graph, the index confused some of the users in first glance on the following What exactly Nebula Graph Index is. When I should use it.